There are so many intermediate points where you're like, I did that. I accomplished that, what a rewarding thing I'm doing"

Chloé is a post-doctoral researcher at Boston’s Childern’s Hosptial and Harvard University in the laboratory of Dr. Len Zon. She studies blood cancer using zebrafish as a model organism and leads an educational outreach program called Camp Zon

In our conversation on Sept. 29th 2021, we talked with Chloé Baron who is currently doing her post-doc studying blood stem cells in leukemia in zebrafish. Chloé’s path to studying zebrafish at Boston’s Children’s Hospital and Harvard University in the Zon Lab was preceded by her bachelors and masters degrees in France, and a PhD from Utrecht University in the Netherlands.

Chloé says that she adjusted her career path to fit her curiosity and passions , and she fits teaching into the mix whenever she can.  Every summer, she shares her excitement for science with high school students through “Camp Zon,” helping them design and carryout experiments with zebrafish. Chloé ‘s own early exposure to science motivates her desire to work with high school students.